School Visits: In-Person

Grace is now a part of the Hachette Speakers Bureau! Please contact Ashley Himes  by email at or phone: 212-614-7771 with all inquiries.

In-Person Visits

As of March  2025, Grace is  a part of the Hachette Speakers Bureau.

Please be patient as we update all of Grace’s appearance information during this transition. In the meantime, contact Ashley Himes  by email at or phone: 212-614-7771 for all inquiries.


Grace offers these in-person programs:

Picture Book Reading

Grade level: preK or K
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Student preparation: an author study is recommended; please do NOT read the book you have chosen Grace to read

A reading of  your choice of:

  • “The Ugly Vegetables”
  • “A Big Mooncake for Little Star”
  • “A Big Bed for Little Snow”
  • “Once Upon a Book”

 and a drawing demonstration or a tiger draw-along. 

Equipment Requirements:
Easel with pad of paper
Thick marker

If large group: projector-computer-screen set (to project book images so all can see)

For draw-along:
Each student will need paper 
(if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

A Big Mooncake: Presentation and Reading

Grade level: K, 1st, 2nd
Duration: 30 minutes
Student preparation: an author study is recommended

Grace gives an informational primer on the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival and does and interactive book reading of “A Big Mooncake For Little Star,”(and if local– complete with a prop of the Big Moon!). Include a rabbit draw-along (1st grade and up) or tiger drawing draw-along (pre-K  and up).

Equipment Requirements:

Projector-computer-screen set up for PowerPoint Presentation
Easel with pad of paper
Thick marker

For draw-along:
Each student will need paper
(if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

How a Book is Made

Grade level: 1, 2 or 3
Duration: 50 minutes
Student preparation: an author study is recommended.

How a book is made is an interactive presentation showing the many steps of book publication from sketch to finish. Students see how Grace gets red corrections marks, just like on their homework! Afterwards, Grace reads from one of her books, answers questions and ends the presentation with  a  dog ‘draw-along’. Educational and fun!

Includes one of the possible readings (please choose):
– Grade 1 and 2: reading of “The Ugly Vegetables” or an excerpt of “Ling & Ting” (please do NOT share the chosen selection)
– Grade 2 or 3: reading of chapter from “The Year of the Dog” 

Equipment Requirements:
Easel with pad of paper
Thick marker
Scotch tape

If large group: projector-computer-screen set (to project book images so all can see)

For draw-along:
Each student will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

The Chinese New Year

Grade level: 2, 3 or 4
Duration: 50 minutes
Student preparation: an author study is recommended.

Using her books, “Bringing in the New Year” and “The Year of the Rat,” Grace explains and shares the customs of the Lunar New Year. This program includes a Chinese dragon (or other New Year animal) draw-along, Q&A (as time permits), PowerPoint presentation.

Equipment Requirements:
Projector-computer-screen set up for PowerPoint Presentation
Easel with pad of paper
Thick marker

For draw-along:
Each student will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

Behind “Year Of the Dog”

Grade level: 3, 4 or 5
Duration: 50 minutes
Maximum group size: 150
Student preparation: It is strongly encouraged that students read “Year of the Dog” before attending this lecture.

Grace’s books blend fact and fiction, and none do more so than her chapter book “The Year of the Dog.” Learn what was real, what was fiction and how the story came together in this engaging PowerPoint presentation. This program includes a dog draw-along and Q&A (as time permits).

Equipment Requirements:
Projector-computer-screen set up for PowerPoint Presentation
Easel with pad of paper
Thick marker

For draw-along:
Each student will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

Behind “Where the Mountain Meets the Moon”

Grade level: 4, 5 or 6
Duration: 50 minutes
Student preparation: It is strongly encouraged that students read where the “Mountain Meets the Moon” before attending this lecture.

Learn about the experiences and myths that inspired Grace’s Newbery Honor Book in this PowerPoint presentation. This program includes “The Red Stone” or “Six Suns” or “The Origin of Chow Mein” readers theater, a dragon draw-along and Q&A (as time permits).

Equipment Requirements:
Projector-computer-screen set up for PowerPoint Presentation
Easel with pad of paper
Thick marker
A small table (like student desk)
4 -6 student volunteers (good readers who like to “ham” it up)
1 adult volunteer

For draw-along:
Each student will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

Behind “Chinese Menu”

Grade level: 4, 5, 6 or 7
Duration: 50 minutes
Student preparation: an author study is recommended

Grace shares the inspiration behind “Chinese Menu” which includes her personal struggles with her Asian-American identity  in this PowerPoint presentation. This program includes  “The Origin of Chow Mein” readers theater, a dragon draw-along and Q&A (as time permits).

Equipment Requirements:
Projector-computer-screen set up for PowerPoint Presentation
Easel with pad of paper
Thick marker
A small table (like student desk)
6 student volunteers (good readers who like to “ham” it up)
1 adult volunteer

For draw-along:
Each student will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

Are Your Books Real?

Grade level: 3, 4, 5 or 6
Duration: 50 minutes
Student preparation: an author study is recommended

See what real-life characters, details and myths found their way into Grace’s novels in this PowerPoint presentation. This program includes  “The Red Stone” or “Six Suns”  readers theater, a dragon draw-along and Q&A (as time permits). It is strongly encouraged that students are familiar with Grace’s novels before attending this lecture.

Equipment Requirements:
Projector-computer-screen set up for PowerPoint Presentation
Easel with pad of paper
Thick marker
A small table (like student desk)
4-6 student volunteers (good readers who like to “ham” it up)
1 adult volunteer

For draw-along:
Each student will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

Program Requirements

Each program (except for Big Mooncake and Ugly Vegetables) will require:

  • Projector-computer-screen set up for PowerPoint Presentation
  • Microphone (preferably handless and wireless, lapel microphone for
    larger groups or large spaces)
  • Easel with pad of paper and thick marker
  • table (for Grace to put her things on and, if possible, a display of some of her books

Additionally, for draw-alongs each student will need:

  • Paper (if possible, please print this template for each student)
  • Pencil (or crayon)
  • Hard surface (such as a notebook or clipboard)

Behind “Where the Mountain Meets the Moon” and Are Your Books Real presentations will also require:

  • 4 student volunteers (good readers who like to “ham” it up)
  • 1 adult volunteer

How a Book is Made  will also require:

  • scotch tape

Fees & Expenses

Local (within 1 hour driving distance of Northampton, MA & does not require an overnight stay): $5500

Travel Rate (within 1 to 2.5 hours driving distance of
Northampton, MA & does not require an overnight stay, presentations
should not begin before 9AM): $6500

Non Local (Full day requiring overnight stay, driving distance
more than 2.5 hours from Northampton, MA): $8000 per day (plus travel

Appearance Details

• Any expenses for long-distance transportation, lodging, and meals are the responsibility of the host unless otherwise agreed.

• Grace limits her presentations at three per day

• Please provide Grace lunch if her presentations require her to be at the school over lunch time

• If an event requires travel, a two-day minimum is preferred.

• Presentations can be divided between multiple locations if the host provides transportation.

• While Grace is willing to negotiate her fee on occasion, please note that due to Grace’s work with kidlitwomen*, her visits coordinator will inquire about the honorariums paid to recent male authors.

Helpful Hints for a Successful School Visit


Prepare the students!
If Grace is presenting “Behind the Year of the Dog” or “Behind Where the Mountain Meets the Moon,” the students should have read books. Consider using one of her novels as a read-aloud for the month before her visit or encourage parents to do so at home. Have the students do some of the activities and discussions and get them excited about the upcoming visit. 
You can see examples of what other schools have done HERE.

Grace prefers to present to unmixed grades (so the group is entirely one grade, the same age range). Even though the presentation may be exactly the same, the comprehension and attention span of a kindergartner is very different from a 2nd grader.

Please do booksales, especially pre-ordering! Pre-ordering helps bring anticipation to the visit and nothing is more exciting to a child than having a book signed by the author they just met, as well as being a constant reminder of the excitement of the day.

For in-person events, please have Grace present in a setting such as a library or classroom. If a cafeteria or gym must be used, please have a wireless, handless microphone available.

Also for in-person events, please supply Grace with lunch or a venue to get lunch that is not the school cafeteria.

Bookselling Tips

Grace strongly encourages book sales in coordination with her school visits. Not only because it supports the author, but it also enhances the value of the visit for the students. A book autographed by an author that has been seen in person is a constant reminder of the excitement of reading. Book sales can also provide supplementary funds to your school.

For school visits it is recommended that books are presold. The easiest way to handle book sales is to let a local bookseller order the books.

If you do not have a bookseller you usually work with; we suggest Grace’s local bookstore High Five Books. Using High Five Books would would allow Grace to personalize and signed before the day of the event, saving time one the day of the visit.  High Five Books can ship the books or  if Grace is driving to  your school, Grace can bring the books with her on the day of the visit.  Please contact or call 413-200-0197 for more information. 

Grace is always delighted to sign books for her readers. Grace can sign during free moments, at lunchtime, the night before the visit in her hotel room or at a book signing for the school community. Extra bookplates, signed by Grace, can be provided for books requested after the visit if requested. Also, High Five Books is able to provide books post-visit if desired.

General Guidelines

GENERAL. Grace is now a part of the Hachette Speakers Bureau! Please direct all communication to  Ashley Himes  by email at or phone: 212-614-7771. She will confirm dates, financial arrangements, transportation and scheduling. Please confirm the schedule of the day with Ashley before sharing with school staff.

PRESENTATION. Grace normally presents to grades K-6 and can present to higher grade levels on request. Her basic presentations are outlined . Please discuss with her ahead of time which book you wish her to feature. It is vital that you share Grace’s other work with the students ahead of time (please see curriculum above for preparation guidelines. For in-person events, whenever possible, Grace asks that presentations take place in a library or a classroom. If a room such as a gym or a cafeteria must be used, it is essential that there is a microphone be available, preferably handless and wireless (a lapel microphone, for example).

EQUIPMENT. Please check Program Requirements above for specific presentation needs. In general,  Grace usually needs one table in front to display her books. In larger rooms, such as a gym, Grace will need a microphone, preferably handless and wireless (a lapel microphone, for example). Please check the system prior to the visit. For younger grades, Grace asks for an easel, a pad of paper and a black marker so that she can draw for the students.

SCHEDULE. Please confirm the schedule with Ashley Himes  by email at at least one week before the visit.  Grace limits her presentations at three per day (but will allow for four if it is a simple book reading for PreK/K). Please allow at least 10 minutes of unscheduled time between presentations. Extra time in the day can be used for presentations by students, autographing, and such. For lunch break, please allow at least one hour, not including travel time.

ESCORT. An escort from place to place within your school is appreciated.

STUDENT PREPARATION. It is vital that you share Grace’s other work with the students ahead of time. Please see curriculum above for preparation guidelines.

BOOK SALES. Please have Grace’s books be offered for sale to students, though not handled directly through Grace. Sales can often be handled by local children’s booksellers, see above for Bookselling Tips information.  Schools handling their own sales should send an order form home to parents prior to a visit. So that no one is left out, Grace supplies  bookmarks for students.

AUTOGRAPHING. Grace is always happy to sign books. Depending upon her travel schedule, Grace is glad to remain after school to finish signing books. For books that cannot be signed during the visit, students can send adhesive labels with a SASE for Grace to autograph. For nonlocal visits, Grace is happy to sign books in the hotel room the evening before. If the schedule is packed, we suggest having the  books personalized and signed before the day of the event using Grace’s local bookstore High Five Books; that way Grace can sign the books before they are shipped out.  

PUBLICITY. It is encouraged that Grace’s visit be publicized through local media. She is happy to give interviews.

RECORDING. Please do not videotape Grace’s performance unless she has given her consent. Not only does she prefer to control the quality of any such recording, being videotaped makes her nervous. Photography without flash is fine.

MEALS/LUNCH Grace is perfectly happy eating on site, in a home, in a restaurant.

LODGING. If providing lodging for Grace, the hotel must be bedbug free (please check the bedbug registry to be sure) and ideally have internet access and a fitness room. Please consider the Wyndham, Hampton Inn or similar/better hotel chain. For safety concerns, the door of the hotel room cannot open up to outside.

FINANCIAL. For current charges, please inquire or see Fees above. Payment is expected at the end of a visit. Invoices are available upon request. For additional paperwork, please fill out the forms completely before having Grace sign them.

Wholesale Orders

If you are not a school but are looking to place a special wholesale order (more than 20), most publishers will give you a discount. Delivery can be within two weeks, but it is best to allow a month or more.

Little, Brown & Co
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

Starry River of the Sky

When the Sea Turned to Silver

Year of the Dog

Year of the Rat

Dumpling Days

A Big Mooncake for Little Star

Ling & Ting

Random House Customer Service Dept
The Ugly Vegetables

Our Seasons

Dim Sum For Everyone!

Fortune Cookie Fortunes

Kite Flying

Bringing in the New Year

Thanking the Moon