Fun Facts
People often ask Grace what she would be if she were not a children’s book illustrator. Grace has thought about that question very hard and has come to the conclusion that she’s very glad that she IS a children’s book illustrator. After you read about her other career possibilities, you will be too!
What if Grace were a...

Opera Singer?
When Grace was younger, she took one singing lesson. She sang a song that went, “me me me me me me me.” She thought that was odd (and boring) so she never went to another lesson. Maybe if she had she could’ve learned a song with more words or at least one that went “you you you you you you you.”

Movie Star?
Wouldn’t it be great to be a movie star? They have hundreds of sparkly dresses that they get to wear everyday. Grace only has one sparkly dress. And she only wears it in the house, when no one can see her. In fact, Grace is too embarrassed to let anyone see her in her sparkly dress, so it’s a good thing she is not a movie star…

Psychic Friend?
Wouldn’t it be great to be a movie star? They have hundreds of sparkly dresses that they get to wear everyday. Grace only has one sparkly dress. And she only wears it in the house, when no one can see her. In fact, Grace is too embarrassed to let anyone see her in her sparkly dress, so it’s a good thing she is not a movie star…

Figure Skater?
Once Grace dreamed of being an Olympic figure skater. During the summer months she would draw pictures of herself whirling and spinning on the ice. Unfortunately, when winter arrived, Grace found out she had neither the talent nor coordination to make it to skating stardom.
But when Grace returned home and looked at her summer drawings she thought,”Hey,these drawings are pretty good. Maybe I’ll be an artist.”
And she did!

Gourmet Chef?
Once, Grace decided she wanted to bake cream puffs. She thought it was strange that the recipe called for 7 cups of eggs and a half dozen tablespoons of sugar, but she decided it was some secret cream puff procedure. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. Grace had copied the recipe wrong. Very wrong. The cream puffs never puffed and tasted like strange scrambled eggs. Grace would be a very bad chef.

Falafel Vendor?
Once Grace dreamed of being an Olympic figure skater. During the summer months she would draw pictures of herself whirling and spinning on the ice. Unfortunately, when winter arrived, Grace found out she had neither the talent nor coordination to make it to skating stardom.
But when Grace returned home and looked at her summer drawings she thought,”Hey,these drawings are pretty good. Maybe I’ll be an artist.”
And she did!

Grace IS a spy. This children’s book illustrator thing is just her cover. Shh! Don’t tell anyone!