Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question for Grace, please check if the answer is in her FAQs.
Grace is now a part of the Hachette Speakers Bureau! Please contact Ashley Himes by email at or phone: 212-614-7771 with all inquiries.
Do you want to publish Grace’s work or are interested in acquiring rights to it? Contact Rebecca Sherman at Writer’s House:
Press Downloads: Book Cover Images and Bios
Please visit the Press Downloads section on Grace’s About page.
Interviews / Press
Want to arrange an interview or need more press info or materials than you can find here? Contact Cheryl Lew at Little, Brown & Co.:
Something Else?
Need to ask Grace about something else? Contact Aimee Maclagger at
Write to Grace
Want to send Grace a letter or a self-addressed stamped envelope for an autographed bookplate?
Send snail mail to:
Grace Lin Studios
PO Box 314
Washington Mills NY 13479
Autographed Book
When a bookplate won’t do and you want an actual book signed, the best thing to do is to purchase a book from Grace’s local bookstore, High Five Books, and let them know you want it autographed. Grace will then run to the bookstore and sign it before they ship it off to you!
High Five Books
141 N. Main St
Florence, MA
Really want to get in touch with Grace directly? The best way is to through Grace’s instagram by leaving a comment (this is the social media outlet Grace currently uses the most, she is @pacylin). However, please do not send appearance and visit requests to Grace via instagram, send those to Ashley at the Hachette Speakers Bureau :
Grace does not e-mail kids (sorry!) but if you write her a letter via the mail, she will write you back (though sometimes it takes a while).
Not sure who to contact? Just contact Aimee Maclagger at and she will pass it along to the right person!

Photo credit: Danielle Tait
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The easiest way to stay updated with Grace’s latest news and events is by signing up for her Author Newsletter, GraceNotes
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