Lectures & Keynotes

The Windows and Mirrors of Your Child’s Bookshelf: Extended TEDx Talk

Level: Adult
Duration: 50 minutes
Preparation: Familiarity with Grace’s work is recommended

When we talk about diverse books, we often talk about “windows and mirrors.” But what does that mean? And why is it important? In this extended presentation of Grace’s TEDx talk, Grace shares childhood anecdotes and her path to publication, including how she learned to embrace the “multicultural” adjective.

Windows, Mirrors and Glasses

Level: Adult
Duration: 50 minutes
Preparation: Familiarity with Grace’s work is recommended

Similar to Grace’s extended Tedx talk, this lectures adds an additional layer of  Grace’s thoughts of the recent book banning. Includes  drawing lesson breaks.

For drawing lesson:
Each participant will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

Real Life in Fiction

Level: Adult/all ages
Duration: 50 minutes
Preparation: Familiarity with Grace’s work is recommended

Whenever Grace is asked, “Where do you get your ideas?” she often responds, “From real life!” In this presentation of Grace show the real life inspirations of her books, the secret back stories to her most popular books and the motivation behind all the work that she does. Includes  drawing lesson breaks. 

For drawing lesson:
Each participant will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)


Putting Books to Work

Level: Adult
Duration: 60 minutes
Preparation: Familiarity with Grace’s work is recommended

We often hear that “diverse” books just don’t circulate, that kids don’t gravitate towards them. If we take this as true, how do we change that? Grace shows ways you can encourage kids to pick up a book that might not be an obvious mirror and open the door for reading diversely. Using her experiences as a child, a mother and an author as examples, Grace talks and discusses many ways that we can use books as tools to integrate diversity into our kids’ lives. Includes  drawing lesson breaks.

For drawing lesson:
Each participant will need paper (if possible, please print this template for each student), pencil/crayon and something to draw on (clipboard, notebook)

For the resources Grace mentions in this speech: https://gracelin.com/resources/

Watch Grace's TEDx Talk, The Windows and Mirrors of Your Child's Bookshelf.

You can find more videos of Grace on her Video page. She also has Videos for Kids.

For all Programs, a group size of 150 or smaller is preferred.